Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 75 - 78

Day 75

Day 76
Surgical Steel Earrings; Silver Headpin; glass beads multi-colored

Day 77
Surgical Steel; Glass beads blue & green
 Day 78
Surgical steel earrings; Glass pearls; silver headpins.
So not being of FB much lately as life has been busy out of no where! There've been changes to FB restrictions regarding giveaways..... Since I do giveaways, it means it applies to me also...... So I will try to do some giveaways via the blog again, and hopefully ppl will start checking it out and claiming their earrings!

There are also still many earrings available for purchase!


Winner of these earrings is  Shelly (No last name on ur file- but I did msg you)!
Congrats- please leave a comment to claim your earrings!